HM Consultancy
Let's connect the dots together
HM Consultancy provides people-centric strategy and implementation to help you achieve your business goals. Whether you need an end-to-end solution or a fresh set of eyes, you’ve come to the right place. Services are provided across industries and across the globe.
A unique, deliberate combination of consulting and coaching delivers the right approach at the right time: fit-for-purpose solutions when you need them, and complementary coaching to support individuals and teams in reaching their full potential.
01. Strategy & Implementation
What is your core objective and how do you get there? How do you measure your progress? How can you pivot in order to anticipate and address changes in the world around you? Hone your strategy and implementation to ensure sustainable results for your business.
02. Customer Experience
Your customers are the reason for your business’ existence. Understanding their needs and how they experience your solution gives you the information you need to grow. Analyze your market, optimize your product, execute effective marketing, and own the full experience your customers have with your brand.
03. Change Management
The best strategy is dead in the water if you don’t bring your people along. Every number on your income statement, every part of your organization, is based on people. Engaging and motivating them is a fundamental requirement for your success.
Client Recommendations
Original English: Hanna is amazing. I have partnered with HM Consultancy on several projects. I am always delighted how empathetic, thoughtful, and positive Hanna is. She has worked with me to get more clarity on my personal and professional goals, and has played a critical role in moving my business unit forward. Her approach is a combination of consulting and coaching, backed by extensive experience that allows her to bring exactly the right frameworks and tools to the table.
Original German: Hanna hat uns über 6 Monate kompetent und wirksam unterstützt. In nur zwei Wochen entwickelte sie als Interim Marketingführungskraft eine kompetente Marketingstrategie, die sie souverän ausführte. In Folge rekrutierte sie die perfekte Kandidatin für die Position der Marketingführung und holte diese erfolgreich an Bord. Mit ihrer erprobten Expertise und ihrem kollaborativen Geschick, hat Hanna den Vertrieb auf vielfältige Weise begleitet. Ihre Fähigkeiten erstreckten sich von der detaillierten Einschätzung der Marktgröße über fundierte Marktanalysen bis hin zur Erarbeitung einer zukunftsweisenden Wachstumsstrategie. Gleichzeitig führte sie die regionalen Führungskräfte auf inspirierende Weise dazu, eine solide Grundlage für die dringend notwendige Neuausrichtung unseres Geschäfts zu schaffen.
Core Capabilities
Customer journey
Capitalize on opportunities within your customers’ interactions with your brand
Deliver your solution to those who need it, from awareness to activation
Manage change and optimize your organizational culture
Interim Leadership
Place the team in good hands while you take the time you need to secure the right talent
Leadership coaching
Develop your current and future leaders to help them reach their potential
Team Building
Optimize team dynamics to increase engagement and productivity
Get In Touch
Wasserburg am Inn, Germany
+49 151 52593507